The core osg NodeKit provides the basic scene graph classes such as Nodes, State and Drawables, and maths and general helper classes.
- GLenum.Value
- osg.AlphaFunc
- osg.AlphaFunc.ComparisonFunction
- osg.AnimationPath
- osg.AnimationPathCallback
- osg.AnimationPath.ControlPoint
- osg.AnimationPath.LoopMode
- osg.Array
- osg.Array.Type
- osg.AutoTransform
- osg.AutoTransform.AutoRotateMode
- osg.Billboard
- osg.Billboard.Mode
- osg.BlendColor
- osg.BlendEquation
- osg.BlendEquation.Equation
- osg.BlendEquationi
- osg.BlendFunc
- osg.BlendFunc.Mode
- osg.BlendFunci
- osg.BoundingBox
- osg.BoundingSphere
- osg.Box
- osg.BufferData
- osg.BufferObject
- osg.Callback
- osg.Camera
- osg.CameraView
- osg.Camera.Attachment
- osg.Camera.BufferComponent
- osg.Camera.DrawCallback
- osg.Camera.ProjectionResizePolicy
- osg.Camera.RenderOrder
- osg.Camera.RenderTargetImplementation
- osg.Camera.ResizeMask
- osg.Camera.TransformOrder
- osg.Capsule
- osg.ClearNode
- osg.ClipNode
- osg.ClipNode.ReferenceFrame
- osg.ClipPlane
- osg.ColorMask
- osg.ColorMatrix
- osg.CompositeShape
- osg.ComputeBoundsVisitor
- osg.Cone
- osg.ConvexPlanarOccluder
- osg.ConvexPlanarPolygon
- osg.CoordinateSystemNode
- osg.CopyOp
- osg.CopyOp.Options
- osg.CullFace
- osg.CullFace.Mode
- osg.CullSettings
- osg.CullSettings.ComputeNearFarMode
- osg.CullSettings.CullingModeValues
- osg.CullStack
- osg.Cylinder
- osg.Depth
- osg.Depth.Function
- osg.DisplaySettings
- osg.DisplaySettings.DisplayType
- osg.DisplaySettings.ImplicitBufferAttachment
- osg.DisplaySettings.Objects
- osg.DisplaySettings.SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping
- osg.DisplaySettings.SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping
- osg.DisplaySettings.StereoMode
- osg.DrawArrays
- osg.DrawElementsUShort
- osg.DrawPixels
- osg.Drawable
- osg.ElementBufferObject
- osg.Fog
- osg.Fog.FogCoordinateSource
- osg.Fog.Mode
- osg.FragmentProgram
- osg.FrameBufferAttachment
- osg.FrameBufferObject
- osg.FrameBufferObject.BindTarget
- osg.FrameStamp
- osg.FrontFace
- osg.FrontFace.Mode
- osg.GLBufferObject
- osg.GLExtensions
- osg.Geode
- osg.Geometry
- osg.GraphicsContext
- osg.GraphicsContext.ResizedCallback
- osg.GraphicsContext.SwapCallback
- osg.GraphicsContext.SyncSwapBuffersCallback
- osg.GraphicsContext.Traits
- osg.GraphicsObject
- osg.GraphicsOperation
- osg.Group
- osg.HeightField
- osg.Image
- osg.ImageSequence
- osg.ImageSequence.Mode
- osg.ImageStream
- osg.ImageStream.LoopingMode
- osg.ImageStream.StreamStatus
- osg.Image.AllocationMode
- osg.Image.Origin
- osg.KdTree
- osg.KdTreeBuilder
- osg.KdTree.BuildOptions
- osg.LOD
- osg.LOD.CenterMode
- osg.LOD.RangeMode
- osg.Light
- osg.LightModel
- osg.LightModel.ColorControl
- osg.LightSource
- osg.LightSource.ReferenceFrame
- osg.LineSegment
- osg.LineStipple
- osg.LineWidth
- osg.LogicOp
- osg.LogicOp.Opcode
- osg.Material
- osg.Material.ColorMode
- osg.Material.Face
- osg.Matrix
- osg.Matrix2
- osg.Matrix3
- osg.MatrixList
- osg.MatrixTransform
- osg.Multisample
- osg.Multisample.Mode
- osg.Node
- osg.NodeCallback
- osg.NodePath
- osg.NodePathList
- osg.NodeVisitor
- osg.NodeVisitor.TraversalMode
- osg.NodeVisitor.VisitorType
- osg.Object
- osg.Object.DataVariance
- osg.OccluderNode
- osg.OcclusionQueryNode
- osg.Operation
- osg.PagedLOD
- osg.PixelBufferObject
- osg.Plane
- osg.Point
- osg.PointSprite
- osg.PointSprite.CoordOriginMode
- osg.PolygonMode
- osg.PolygonMode.Face
- osg.PolygonMode.Mode
- osg.PolygonOffset
- osg.PositionAttitudeTransform
- osg.PrimitiveSet
- osg.PrimitiveSet.Mode
- osg.PrimitiveSet.Type
- osg.Program
- osg.Projection
- osg.ProxyNode
- osg.ProxyNode.CenterMode
- osg.ProxyNode.LoadingExternalReferenceMode
- osg.Quat
- osg.RefMatrix
- osg.Referenced
- osg.RenderBuffer
- osg.RenderInfo
- osg.Scissor
- osg.Sequence
- osg.Sequence.LoopMode
- osg.Sequence.SequenceMode
- osg.ShadeModel
- osg.ShadeModel.Mode
- osg.Shader
- osg.ShaderAttribute
- osg.ShaderComponent
- osg.Shader.ShaderDefinesMode
- osg.Shader.Type
- osg.Shape
- osg.ShapeDrawable
- osg.Sphere
- osg.State
- osg.StateAttribute
- osg.StateAttributeCallback
- osg.StateAttribute.GLMode
- osg.StateAttribute.Type
- osg.StateAttribute.Values
- osg.StateSet
- osg.StateSet.RenderBinMode
- osg.StateSet.RenderingHint
- osg.Stats
- osg.Stats.AttributeMap
- osg.Stats.AttributeMapList
- osg.Stats.CollectMap
- osg.Stencil
- osg.StencilTwoSided
- osg.StencilTwoSided.Face
- osg.StencilTwoSided.Function
- osg.StencilTwoSided.Operation
- osg.Stencil.Function
- osg.Stencil.Operation
- osg.Switch
- osg.TessellationHints
- osg.TessellationHints.Mode
- osg.TexEnv
- osg.TexEnvCombine
- osg.TexEnvCombine.CombineParam
- osg.TexEnvCombine.OperandParam
- osg.TexEnvCombine.SourceParam
- osg.TexEnvFilter
- osg.TexEnv.Mode
- osg.TexGen
- osg.TexGenNode
- osg.TexGenNode.ReferenceFrame
- osg.TexGen.Mode
- osg.TexMat
- osg.Texture
- osg.Texture1D
- osg.Texture2D
- osg.Texture2DArray
- osg.Texture2DMultisample
- osg.Texture3D
- osg.TextureCubeMap
- osg.TextureCubeMap.Face
- osg.TextureRectangle
- osg.Texture.FilterMode
- osg.Texture.FilterParameter
- osg.Texture.InternalFormatMode
- osg.Texture.ShadowCompareFunc
- osg.Texture.ShadowTextureMode
- osg.Texture.TextureObject
- osg.Texture.WrapMode
- osg.Texture.WrapParameter
- osg.Timer
- osg.Transform
- osg.Transform.ReferenceFrame
- osg.Uniform
- osg.Uniform.Type
- osg.Vec2
- osg.Vec2Array
- osg.Vec3
- osg.Vec3Array
- osg.Vec4
- osg.Vec4Array
- osg.VertexArrayState
- osg.VertexBufferObject
- osg.VertexProgram
- osg.View
- osg.View.LightingMode
- osg.View.Slave
- osg.View.Slave.UpdateSlaveCallback
- osg.Viewport
- osg.componentDivide
- osg.componentMultiply
- osg.computeEyeToLocal
- osg.computeLocalToEye
- osg.computeLocalToWorld
- osg.computeWorldToLocal
- osg.createTexturedQuad
- osg.createTexturedQuadGeometry
- osg.getGLExtensionFuncPtr
- osg.getGLVersionNumber
- osg.isExtensionInExtensionString
- osg.isGLExtensionOrVersionSupported
- osg.isGLExtensionSupported
- osg.nativeVersion
- osg.setGLExtensionDisableString
- osg.version